The Ultimate Self-Care Package that puts YOU on your to-do list!
What I have learned in my own life and from my clients is that when YOU fully step into making yourself a priority in YOUR life consistently, when you put yourself on your to-do list, when you make time and create the space for your true self-care, everything in your life begins to shift for the ahhhmazing!!!

Taking care of YOU allows you to recharge your batteries so you can help those that are counting on you!!
When you are healthy, rested, and re-energized, you are more patient, more loving, and more compassionate with your spouse, your children, and your aging parents.
I know that you already know that self-care is important and the major role it plays in your overall health and wellness.
I also know though that it is hard to do this for yourself. In fact, oftentimes we feel so guilty and so uncomfortable taking this time for ourselves that it's the first thing that gets canceled or not even scheduled in the first place or put off until some distant time in the future.
This is why having the structure and the support in place that holds you accountable to your health and wellness is crucial and so important to your success!!
Look, you being depleted and exhausted, it doesn't help anybody. You BEING rested and restored does!!
Knowing this and seeing firsthand the impact it has made in my coaching clients lives inspired me to create a sneak peek into a Bodymind Coaching package that would allow everyone, guys included, to invest in themselves and in their health and wellness!!
I have bundled the support and accountability to keep your self-care scheduled AND on track in this transformational 6-week massage and BodyMInd Self-Care Package!!!

I feel so blessed to have found Laurie and her BodyMind Coaching program when I did! I was expecting my first child and had been working in an industry that did not stimulate me or provide me with any fulfillment for almost 10 years! I needed a change but was held back my own fear and mental patterns of insecurity and doubt. Working with Laurie has allowed me to free myself from the guilt I felt about not being grateful for the job that I had and allowed me to embrace, discover, and BELIEVE that my passions are what I should be cultivating and that by doing so I will bring wealth and possibility into my life like I had never knew it could! Laurie's consistent support, encouragement, and insightful nature were invaluable in making this new mindset possible for me. I honestly can say that I am so excited about what the future holds for me!
- Meghan
This Restorative 6-week Self-Care Package Includes:
*** (2) Relaxing and Restorative 90-minute massage sessions that are designed to wash away the tension and tightness from your body so you can feel refreshed, renewed, and at your absolute best.
*** (1) 90-minute BodyMind session that is personalized to give you the specific tools to help keep you aligned with what is most important to you for when "life" happens between sessions.
*** Personalized self-care plans that honor you AND your boundaries.
***My "Top 10 Ways To Lovingly Say No Even When It's Hard" downloadable PDF
*** A for YOU ONLY Self- Care box that has some of my most favorite items that help keep me grounded and centered in my day AND in my life!!
This package is valued at well over $579.00 but to make it even easier for you to say yes, I am offering it for only $469.00!!
That is a savings of $110.00!! It's like getting a 90-minute massage session for FREE!!
Click the INVEST IN THE ULTIMATE SELF-CARE PACKAGE BUTTON BELOW so that we can take care of the details to reserve your spot in this Restorative 6-week Self-Care Package!!
P.S. This makes a great gift or thank you to that someone in your life who is always so busy giving, and taking care of everybody else FIRST!!
A little bit about Laurie

Laurie is a Certified BodyMind Master Coach, Licensed Massage Therapist, and Vision Board & Manifesting Workshop Leader.
It is Laurie's heartfelt intention to give you and teach you the tools and steps that she is equipped with from all of her years of experience and training so you can learn these tools to know deep down in your gut what it feels like to honor yourself in your life, in your family, in your community, and in your work on a whole new level.
She believes that it is through this process AND by helping you connect back to your inner compass, your true North that become happier, and more joyful. Your relationships begin to improve, you are more fun to be around, you have more patience with your children and co-workers, you become gentler, more loving and compassionate with YOURSELF and with your loved ones.
It has been through Laurie navigating through her own process that she has been able to create the structure and the support to help and teach others how they can honor and have this for themselves in their best life yet!
If you are ready to claim and own your best life yet please, CLICK HERE to schedule your connection call with Laurie today.
To be able to support you to your best results, Laurie limits the number of people that she works with. Don't wait to take advantage of this amazing opportunity. Schedule your call now.